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My Column

Check out my  writing here and on my blog "Sincerely Karlicia" in order to get more insight, inspiration, entertainment, and encouragement. Feel free to write me at with any questions or comments you may have. 

How to Figure Out if He's Not Into You


Ok, ladies, we've all probably read the book "He's Just not that into You," and some of us have even seen the movie, but for some reason females still don't seem to get the point when a guy is not interested. So I just want to break down a couple of things to look for, so that you can stop chasing a guy that may not feel the same way about you.

He only texts you. This always causes a debate amongst people, because there are so many excuses people can give as to why they don't pick up the phone and call. I've heard them all: "He's always at work", "He never really liked to talk on the phone", "He's always around other people and don't like his business getting out". There is absolutely no excuse why a guy cannot pick up the phone and talk to you at least once or twice a day! It doesn't matter if you work 3 or 4 jobs, the same time it takes to text someone, they could pick up the phone and say "I just wanted to see how your day was going." Stop lying to yourself, texting should not be your primary or only source of communication.........

Get the Hint: Stop Being "That Girl"


We've all seen her, most of us have even been her at some point in time. We find that guy that we feel is a great match for us, and ignore all the red flags he possesses because we don't necessarily want to be alone. It's time to stop settling for situations such as these, and stop being "that girl."

Here are tips that can help you figure out if you possess "that girl" syndrome:

If you’re calling him, and he’s only answering half of the time, or hardly at all, he’s probably not interested, or has many other women he’s dealing with.

If you find that you’re always the first one to call him daily, or that you’re always the one sending the “good morning/wake up” message/call to start your day, it is not because he is still asleep. It is because you’re not on his mind when he wakes up in the morning.

Life and Love Lessons We Can All Take Away From TI and Tiny's Divorce Drama


Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re probably aware of the drawn out, beginning of the end of bite-size rapper T.I. and singer/reality star Tiny’s marriage. This heartbreaking deterioration of their relationship is being played out publicly, both in social media, as well as their reality tv show “Family Hustle”, and it’s very difficult to watch. Watching one of hip hop’s favorite couples fall apart has a lot of fans extremely disappointed. However, with every experience comes lessons we can take with us in moving forward. Here are a few lessons that stand out to me in this relationship/marital drama...

6 Life Lessons We All Can Take Away from Jay Z's 4:44 Album


At midnight on June 30,2017, superstar Jay Z changed the game, and pretty much most of the world rejoiced. Jay z definitely had the best month ever, bringing his new set of twins into the world, then dropping his highly anticipated album “4:44”, an album that can easily be Album of the Year. It’s clear that Shawn “Jay Z” Carter has grown drastically from his early rapping days, as his new album is saturated with words of wisdom, life lessons, apologies to his wife Beyoncé, and an obvious show of unconditional love and concern for his children. Because I can’t stop listening to the album, I figured I’d take a few of Jay’s lyrical gems and break down how you can apply them to your own life.

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